We meet many people in our lifetimes for whom we develop deep sense of honor and respect because they inspire us a lot.Some days back I had been attending an Inspirational Seminar in which it was discussed about those great personalities whom we consider as our Role Models.They explained in very good terms what is the importance of having a role model and how we can learn from their lives.
In my lifetime there are many personalities whom I owe deep sense of gratitude for changing my life in some or the other way.And..yes.. Im talking about the positive changes.. When that talk was going on in that seminar,the images of few people were continuously coming in my mind.
The idea of having a visionary mentor in my life was reinforced after I had read Robin Sharma's "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari". In that marvelous book Robin Sharma gave a very good exercise to write down the names of all those personalities whom you want to meet in your lifetime...It was thrilling to imagine me meeting all those people I admire so much..so I took a pen and started writing down...
At the end my list had the following names-

3.Dan Brown
4.Robin Sharma
5.Stephen Hawking

6.John Gray8.Harry Lorayne
9.Dale Carnegie
10.Preity Zinta
Ha ha ... a bit funny when I recall this list again... anyways .. I made this list about an year ago and after I attended that seminar few days back I recalled this list again.I want to share my views regarding each of these personalities as to why I admire them so much and my memories related to them.....
Einstein and Edison have been my favorite since Childhood. In fact I liked all the Scientists but somehow Einstein and Thomas Edison seemed the biggest Superstars in the World of Science so, I've always admired them and their works.
Dan Brown became my favourite ever since I read Angels and Demons.Myteries...Secrets... Revelations...Wow!!!It blew me away and I was startle how could a person write a story with such a perfection taking in consideration all the historical facts and Data...And his way of narration is so exciting that reading his book means reading till the end otherwise You cant sleep whole night wondering in excitement what will happen next... His intelligence impressed me alot and was further reinforced after reading THE Vinci Code,The Lost Symbol and The Digital Fortress.
Robin Sharma is the most vital name in my life transformation..His book "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" is still a life guiding tool for me .When I was undergoing through the most adverse situations..this particular book helped me alot wit the practical guidelines for leading a better life.
Astronomy being my favourite subject... I leave no stones unturned in collecting all the knowledge and facts on the Subject of Space Science.In this hunt of knowledge, I came upon the Book "A Brief history of Time" by none other than the most highly acclaimed scientist of present day.. Stephen Hawking.The book was a great eye opening experience as it allowed me to plunge into greater depths of Astrophysics.It is truly remarkable that Dr.Hawkins has used such simple language to explain so intricate things... "It has been my relentless effort to present the theories in as simple language as possible so that a layman can understand it.I've tried not to use any equation or mathematical language.The only equation you will find in this book is E=mc2"
Excellent!!!!! :)
Once I was seeing the list of the larget selling books of all time in history(on wikipedia). Among the many book name I saw, one name in particular appealed me alot."Men are From Mars,Women are from Venus" by Dr. John Gray.I recalled I had once picked up this book in a book store but dint buy it 'coz I dint kno whether it would be an interesting read atall.Now wen I saw it's name in the list of "One of the largest selling books of all time" I was feeling uncomfortable.How could I miss to possess such a sensational book.So next time I was in the market I picked it up.And as I went on reading and reading my interest kept on growing more and more.The major thing that impressed me in Dr.Gray's writing was the fact that 'How unaware we all are regarding relationships'. Of course there is nothing new about the quarrel(mismatch of ideas..not understanding each other's feelings) between men and women...but why do we take such quarrels to b granted? Every relationship can b made much much more happier and full of understanding if we knew that Men are From Mars and women are from venus...After reading this, I felt a big change in my attitude and I began to understand and maintain relationships in a more better way...And I still owe my this achievement to Dr.John Gray.
It was on Tv when I first saw a strange man with white hair..pretty old man but highly energetic.He was a guest in an interview show and was talking something about the miraculous powers of the human mind.In course of the show he demonstrated his own expertise on memory mastery by repeating the names of all the audiences in crowd by memorizing everyones name.(It so happened that each person in the audience stood up and spoke their name one after the other in rapid succession.More than 100 people had spoken their names) I was greatly thrilled by this man.And wanted to learn how he could do this.The answer came to me some years later in a book catalogue (of Pustak Mahal) ,which had the name of the book "The Secrets Of Mind Power" by Harry Lorayne.I saw the author's pic and immediately recognised him as the same man on the show.I was in class 8th then.I saved my pocket money for an entire year and purchased the book via post.I still remember I started my class 9th with a very very changed self as I had acquainted myself alot about the "Secrets of Mind Power" I still practise the things taught by Mr. Harry Lorayne and Im greatful to him today that because of him I have achieved many things in my life... And presently Im tranferring the same knowledge to my friends and family for their betterment as well....
The Story of My encounter with Dale Carnegie is exactly similar to that with Mr.John Gray. It was in the same list on wikipedia(The bestselling books in History) that I saw the name of Dale Carnegie as well.Dale Cranegie's book is one of the best of the best books a person can possess...Seriously ...the name itself tells all about his work... "How to win Friends and Influence People" The title itself thrilled me.And as I read what Mr.Carnegie taught' I was filled with passion and happiness... Some of us are "friendly" by nature...some of us feel uncomfortable wit some sorts of people. But when we come into corporate world...meeting with new people becomes absolutely inevitable. In this scenario,it's important to learn certain basic about delicate relationships and way of communicating things. I applied this knowledge from the very common areas (like my friend circle) to the official levels(like while interacting with teachers and professors)..Somewhere I did begin to feel that I have been becoming good and good in my communication style, I am very thankful to the vast amount of knowledge shared by Dale Carnegie and so by heart I regard him as one of my Role Models.
At last comes one of my most charming Role Model... Preity Zinta.Ok there may b some controversy on me calling her a role model...but I will tell the story why I like her so much and what is her importance in my life...
Those were the days when I was in 4th class(or 5th may be?) when I began to study alone in the study room at my home.It was perfectly alone there and at night wen everybody would sleep, I would wake up till late hours studying alone there.So...many times it happened that I began to get haunting feelings because I was all alone in that room.sometimes any rat would make strange noises in the kitchen and I would get terrified alot.I wanted to have atleast someone out there to talk with me and give me company all the time when I would be waking up. Once it just occured to me to find the picture of someone smiling to keep wit myself so that atleast it wont make me feel alone.I searched a newspaper and the most charming and happy photograph that I found was that of Preity Zinta.I cut out her picture and always kept it on my study table.Everytime I looked at her pic,I felt happy.It felt as if I wasn't alone and I began to study comfortably..Subsequently I began to collect more and more photographs of her and began to consider her as a friend of mine.Later It so happened that I won's start studying unless I had kept her photograph besides the book on the table.I never saw her movie but liked her charming smile.That affection for her still persists in my heart and so I regard her as one of the personalities I would really want to meet once in my lifetime.... :)
Mast likhis hai boss...keep going!
ReplyDeletebahu Bahut dhanyawaad dost...!!!! :)
ReplyDeletevery nice article :)