Saturday, July 19, 2014

Aa Gayi Modi Sarkar

Yesterday was a day when the whole country was glued to the television screen extolling the efforts of the man who brought a wave of change, so desperately awaited by one and all. The news channels were frenzied with excitement declaring the historic win of the saffron party, the Share Market got pregnant with soaring investments,as the big fishes foresaw the boom on brink, the common man celebrated the victory of fair polling , reassuring the person next to him/ her with the one liner that has attained a cult status now- "ebe bhollo din aasibe". The role of media and advertising cant be ignored in this election. The kind of advertising that dominated this election was very fresh new and effective. The "Nailing it" concept of brand marketing too worked well. With IPL keeping the people of all age groups captivated towards television , the commercial breaks between the Overs were the best place to position the advertisements ending with the tagline "Abki baar Modi sarkar" repeatedly. We never saw an ad campaign of any political party like the way BJP did this time. Perhaps they linked the idea of fair politics with "No Match Fixing" Concept, which readily connected well with the ever cricket loving Indian viewers. Considering the 4 P's of marketing, Mr. Namo had his main 'P' well developed : Product, that is, 'Good Governance' The idea of good governance that he promoted was well backed by his coruscating report card of the Gujrat model. He brought up the issues that appealed to the public more rationally. It was very much required to get back to basics and efface from the party the constricted ideology that Mr Advani had promoted.And it all worked well. With his determined and piercing gaze, a voice of conviction and the intrinsic leadership trait, he toured the entire country, speaking in language of the people, for the people.It all paid off well, as he takes over the prestigious office to govern the country soon. At the end of the day, it will be the govt.'s performance that will matter. India, marred with corruption has always faced the implementation paralysis. Indian law book is filled with many fair laws and rules, which are there to safeguard the rights and interests of everyone across the board. But those benefits fail to trickle down to the masses at the bottom of the pyramid.. one such example is the MNREGA, which though, began with a noble aim, became a medium for the avaricious officials to siphon off public money without any trouble. Hope the new office will bring about a change, especially by enforcing and abiding by to a single ideology that would become the bottom line for the bureaucrats and citizens to participate accordingly in a cooperative way. Lets see what things come up next, after all, as the statement goes viral on social networking sites- "Good days have come at last".. lets see..

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